where we takes the BUGS and we kicks them OUT!
bugs to fix
[copy/paste] copying multiple lines (w/o gap) paste as concatenated; need newline = new block (issue)
[lists] hitting return from beginning of parent block should move it down on same level, not indent (issue)
If it has children
small issues w/ this, making recording
[lists + text entry] lag can cause tab to indent the wrong item; related to general text nav lag (issue)
I can fix this for Enter indent relatively easy
Cmd + Arrows is harder as that's the native event.
Fixed the cursor jumping - an unrelated issue
still some issues, making a recording
[canvas] sometimes the delete toolbar state shows when it shouldn't (issue)
commented, more specific issue remains I think
[blocks] deleting multiple selected blocks doesn't work, I think only when some are placeholders (issue)
LIST BUGS - a bunch of em, many probably related
broken shortcut: if block is folded, cmd+shift+up/down to move doesn't work
broken shortcut: cmd-shift-enter works to fold, but hitting it again does not toggle to unfold
sometimes moving list item down w/ enter at beginning of line moves it after the following item
should also move checked state with it (i.e. enter at beginning of line should functionally add new blank item above)
glitch w/ new child added in the middle of a list (?!) - seeing just like if you hit enter at beginning to add new above…that item will be jumped down several items…?!
if list is folded, should skip folded items and add new sibling item after
keyboard multiselect failing w/ nested blocks! (only going down?!) but going up, need to hit extra times…
should select all parent at once! we should make it work that way even if expanded too imo, select in "chunks" based on hierarchy
[layout] with nested page open, clicking other pages in parent causes unnecessary horiz scroll (issue)
[canvas] permissions for read-only canvas links (issue)
commented; couple things still needed
[canvas] make first header / text block page title (issue)
Celine is still implementing actually creating a page that's a canvas so I'll wait until that to do this
[copy/paste] pasting into a header text block doesn't work; it pastes on a new block after it (issue)
[copy/paste] collapsed list items don't copy (issue)
[lists] cmd-down doesn't work if folded list at bottom (issue)
[lists] make checklists NOT checkable if read-only (issue)
[selection] cmd+a to select a whole block + cmd-k to add link doesn't work (issue)
The toolbar turns up but enter / submit doesn't work.
[canvas] on enter to create link block don't make new text block (issue)
Not seeing this but didn't explicitly fix
[canvas] adding img / link blocks can be wonky (issue)
[canvas] adding to bottom doesn't expand canvas (issue)
[canvas] allow scrolling whole Leaflet horizontally from within canvas (issue)
[canvas] selected block should show above others, at least while editing to access drag handles (issue)
[canvas] make entire blocks draggable if possible, especially images (issue)
tricky to make this work on all block types & inconsistent if we do for just images…
[canvas] some blocks need min/max-width (issue)
idk this is kinda annoying and it's caused directly by user choice so I feel fine waiting on it
[canvas] block multiselect (issue)
[images] allow adding multiple images + drag and drop to add (issue)
[lists] copy-pasted checklists paste as plain lists (w/o the checkboxes)
things w/o issues b/c vague or hard to repro
sometimes copying part of a text line copies the whole line l
like if I type `try it at leaflet.pub`
and select just `leaflet.pub`
copy + paste (sometimes) results in `try it at leaflet.pub`
[PERF] long docs can get sluggish…text editor memory leak?
e.g. reddit doc, a couple seconds to be fully responsive
some lag with just like up/down to nav through text (especially holding down the arrow keys)
slight lag with cmd-up/down (go to top/bottom)
like two seconds to unfold all…fold all is quick, and when folded the keyboard nav lag is gone
NB: Jared did some react optimization and this seems better! (after fixing some text block focusing issues)
[PERF] homepage loads slowly with lots of docs
b/c we're pulling so much live data?
ideally we should prob screenshot + either update on edit or have a way to refresh or something
sometimes take several seconds / jumps around as more load
clicking buttons also takes a couple seconds
[PERF] canvases with several large images slow down a lot
we should optimize uploaded images
noticing for canvas in particular can get quite slow to load with many images (even just like 10-15)
we should try having multiple img sizes!
[PERF] large image in canvas: laggy on drag
same image: if small, works fine; if large, lags and shows little globe icon attached to cursor pointer
sometimes drags only after releasing the click…odd!
to do: test on other browsers
small things (low priority)
2x the icon…blurry in places e.g. Apple Mail preview
limit lists to like 12 layers deep nesting; beyond that stuff starts to get cut off! even 8-10 starts to be real narrow
no scroll bar = hard to see how long a page is…can we add one back but maybe custom / only on scroll?
add these new shortcuts:
cmd/ctrl + opt + 1, 2, 3 etc. for h1 etc. and 0 for p
esc: if editing, exit text and select block; again to deselect all
drag and shortcuts to select don't work nicely together
e.g. if I drag and then cmd-down it doesn't extend the selection (it first reduces it from the top)…like we need to save the start point across both…
cmd+click on a link in paragraph selects it, but it should only open the link
sometimes can't click out of the slash menu
clicking anywhere outside it should = same as esc
ALSO maybe two spaces in a row = escape from it